Buying Bitcoin is easy!

In just a few simple steps, you will own your very own Bitcoins.

Setup your wallet

Sign up with us for FREE. We will assist you in setting up your own wallet with our Visa approved partner.

Fund your account

Transfer funds into your Affinity Mining account. This process is simple and secure.

Start using your Bitcoin!

Buy and Sell Bitcoin with the help of our Bitcoin Professionals.

[qodef_button size=”” type=”outline” target=”_blank” icon_pack=”” font_weight=”300″ text=”Sign me up!” link=”” color=”#25acc8″ background_color=”rgba(0,0,0,0.01)” hover_background_color=”#25acc8″ border_color=”#25acc8″ hover_border_color=”#25acc8″ font_size=”30″]
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Bitcoin Mining

Did you know you can mine bitcoin?

Mining Bitcoin effectively requires a mass of high end computing hardware (server farm) that processes extremely complex code 24/7.

With Affinity Mining, you can own a portion of this hardware through a remote mining contract. This mining process will let you passively earn new Bitcoin in real-time. You can view your daily profit through our state-of-the-art dashboard and get paid out your share of the generated profits at the end of every month in Bitcoin!

[qodef_button size=”” type=”solid” hover_animation=”hover-animation” target=”_blank” icon_pack=”font_awesome” fa_icon=”fa-youtube-play” font_weight=”” text=”Learn more” link=”” color=”#ffffff” hover_color=”#ffffff” background_color=”#25acc8″ hover_background_color=”#1d899f”]
[qodef_button size=”” type=”outline” target=”_blank” icon_pack=”font_awesome” fa_icon=”fa-bitcoin” font_weight=”” text=”Start Mining” link=”” color=”#25acc8″ hover_color=”#ffffff” background_color=”rgba(255,255,255,0.01)” hover_background_color=”#1d899f” border_color=”#25acc8″ hover_border_color=”#25acc8″]
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Ant Miner
[qodef_custom_font custom_font_tag=”h2″ font_size=”60″ font_weight=”700″ text_align=”center” content_custom_font=”Staying ahead of the game” color=”#ffffff”]
[qodef_custom_font custom_font_tag=”p” font_size=”20″ font_weight=”500″ text_align=”center” content_custom_font=”We ensure that 40% of your monthly earnings are reinvested, to make sure you stay ahead of the Bitcoin mining difficulty increases. That being said you can still expect up to 5% profit on your investment PER MONTH.” color=”#ffffff”]

Our service makes mining cryptocurrency easy and accessible to everyone.

You are no longer required to buy expensive equipment and waste your time on setting it up.

We manage everything for you. Simply select how much you want to purchase and generate revenue!

Digital Mine Dashboard
[qodef_custom_font custom_font_tag=”h2″ font_family=”Raleway” font_size=”60″ font_weight=”700″ text_align=”left” content_custom_font=”What is Bitcoin?” color=”#ffffff”]
[qodef_custom_font custom_font_tag=”p” font_size=”14″ font_weight=”500″ content_custom_font=”Simply put, Bitcoin is a digital currency, known as ‘cryptocurrency’. ” color=”#ffffff”]
[qodef_custom_font custom_font_tag=”p” font_size=”14″ font_weight=”500″ content_custom_font=”Like all cryptocurrencies, Bitcoin is decentralised, meaning, in this case, not owned or regulated by a government or the banking elite. Bitcoin allows for the use and transfer of funds peer to peer or person to retailer without the intervention of central banks. It is therefore cheaper, quicker and fairer to use.” color=”#ffffff”]
[qodef_custom_font custom_font_tag=”p” font_size=”14″ font_weight=”500″ content_custom_font=”Bitcoin is mathematically limited to twenty one million bitcoins and that can never be changed.” color=”#ffffff”]
[qodef_button size=”” type=”solid” hover_animation=”hover-animation” target=”_blank” icon_pack=”font_awesome” fa_icon=”fa-youtube-play” font_weight=”” text=”Learn more” link=”” color=”#00a9bc” hover_color=”#00b7cc” background_color=”#ffffff” hover_background_color=”#ffffff”]